






  1. 本协议中所称“中国”,如没有特别说明的,是指不包含香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区及台湾省的中国大陆地区。
  2. 本协议中所称“工作日”,如没有特别说明的,是根据中国的法律法规,除去法定休息日及法定节假日的日历日。
  3. 本协议中所称“年”“月”“日”,如没有特别说明的,是指自然年、自然月、日历日。

第一条  用户须知

  1. 请您务必在购买本产品前与德硕联系,以确认本产品是否适用。
  2. 如您未与德硕联系即购买本产品,对于因产品无法适用而导致的损失,德硕将不承担任何责任。

第二条  用户使用

  1. 您应当确认您已经获得产品描述中要求的本产品运行所必须的硬件及软件并取得相应的授权。
  2. 当您完成产品购买,即成为您所购买的产品用户。您应在购买产品后尽快联系德硕,德硕会通过邮件等方式在3个工作日内将本产品发送给您,发送后,德硕基于本协议的义务即履行完毕。自您收到产品之日起,德硕将免费为您提供3个月售后答疑的赠送服务。
  3. 收到本产品后,您可以根据产品模板以及德硕的指导,使用本产品在您的系统内进行操作。在使用本产品进行导入时,请您务必严格按照本产品模板中的数据格式上载数据。如因数据格式不符合产品要求而产生任何损失等,将由您自行承担,德硕不对因而导致的损失承担任何责任。
  4. 您使用本产品的过程中,如有任何困惑或疑问,应及时与德硕联系。如果您自行处理所造成损失,德硕不承担任何责任。
  5. 您应当对使用本产品所传送信息的真实性、合法性、有效性等负责,与您所传播的信息相关的任何法律责任由您自行承担,与德硕无关。
  6. 您理解并同意,在本产品中记录的或通过本产品服务所传送的任何内容并不反映德硕的观点或政策,德硕对此不承担责任。
  7. 您理解并同意,您不得利用本产品及德硕的相关服务进行任何违反法律法规及政策的行为,否则相应责任应由您自行承担。

第三条  隐私政策

第四条  保密义务

  1. 德硕无法通过您对本产品的使用而直接获取您的保密信息。如您或德硕为履行本协议而向对方披露保密信息的,接收保密信息的一方(本条中简称“接收方”)应仅为实现本协议之目的使用保密信息,且未经披露保密信息的一方(本条中简称“披露方”)事先书面同意,除有必要知悉该保密信息的接收方合伙人、负责人、管理人员及员工、其委托的律师及注册会计师以外,不得向第三方(但不包括要求其遵守与本条规定同等的保密义务的德硕转、分包商)披露、提供或泄露保密信息。接收方应按照不低于保护其所有的保密信息的标准及谨慎程度(至少为合理程度的谨慎)保护披露方的保密信息。
  2. 披露方理解并同意,保密信息应当使用书面或有形方式进行披露,并在披露之时向接收方以书面形式明示该信息属保密信息,保密信息披露方通过口头或可视方式进行披露的,在披露时应告知保密信息接收方该信息属保密信息,并在披露后5日内以书面方式进行确认。
  3. 保密信息是指:
    1)    本产品的内容、细节等;
    2)    披露方专有的信息或资料,或被视为其专有的信息或资料;
    3)    由披露方指定为保密信息的信息;
    4)    接收方仅因本产品的提供而取得的信息;或
    5)    披露方的经营秘密。
  4. 保密信息不包括如下信息:
    1)    因不可归咎于接收方或受托于接收方的第三方的原因,成为公知的信息;
    2)    接收方从其合理相信就该信息不承担保密义务的第三方处获取的信息;
    3)    接收方从披露方处接收该信息前已知悉的信息;
    4)    与披露方在先披露的信息无关,由接收方独立开发的信息;
  5. 德硕对于您所披露的保密性息来源及其本身的合法性,以及是否获得保密信息权利人的授权不会做任何确认。所有由之产生的风险及损失应由您自行承担。
  6. 本条项下的保密义务,将在本协议第二条2规定的售后服务期满或本协议被解除时随之终止。

第五条  个人信息的保护

  1. 个人信息是以电子或者其他方式记录的能够单独或者与其他信息结合识别特定自然人的各种信息,包括自然人的姓名、出生日期、身份证件号码、生物识别信息、住址、电话号码、电子邮箱、健康信息、行踪信息等。
  2. 德硕在提供本项服务之时,不会接收您持有的个人信息,于储存该个人信息环境下的作业应由您自行实施、完成。另外,如您根据您的判断向德硕披露您所持有的个人信息,您应对该等个人信息进行遮蔽(涂抹)或加工处理,并在德硕无法识别特定自然人信息的前提下方可披露给德硕。
  3. 德硕对于您所披露的个人信息来源的合法性,以及是否获得权利人的授权不做任何确认。所有由之产生的风险及损失应由您自行承担。

第六条  免责声明

  1. 在适用法律允许的最大范围内,一切因使用或不能使用本产品而引致之意外、疏忽、违约、诽谤、版权或知识产权侵犯及其所造成的损失,德硕概不承担任何责任。包括但不限于因未经或不按德硕的指导使用、数据本身问题、擅自委托第三方使用、第三方侵权、电信系统或互联网网络故障、计算机故障或病毒、信息损坏丢失、停电、不可抗力原因等造成的直接或间接损失、预期利益损失、贸易中断、商业信息丢失等任何损失。
  2. 使用本产品的所有风险将由您自行承担,德硕不承担任何责任,也不就任何适销性、适用性或适合特定用途或目的、不侵权、通过使用服务或与服务集成所衍生出的结果、或本产品运行是安全的且不会出现中断或错误,做出任何明示或暗示的、法定的或其他形式的陈述或保证。德硕不保证本产品与所有的软硬件、系统等完全兼容,不保证本产品完全没有错误。如果出现不兼容及错误的情况,您可以与德硕联系。对于因本产品与您软硬件及现行系统不兼容、本产品存在错误等原因而导致的损失,德硕不承担任何责任。
  3. 鉴于本产品可复制的特性,您可能会在其他渠道获得本产品。对于从德硕以外的渠道获得的产品,德硕无法保证该产品是否感染计算机病毒、是否隐藏有木马程序或者黑客程序,使用该产品将可能导致不可预测的风险,因此,请您不要从德硕以外的渠道下载、使用本产品,否则德硕不承担由此产生的一切法律责任。

第七条  损害赔偿之限制

第八条  知识产权

  1. 本产品的知识产权,以及与产品相关的所有信息内容,包括但不限于:文字表述及其组合、图标、图饰、图像、图表、色彩、界面设计、版面框架、有关数据、附加程序、印刷材料或电子文档等均归德硕及其关联公司所有,受著作权法和国际著作权条约以及其他知识产权法律法规的保护。
  2. 在您全额支付本产品的费用后,德硕许可您为内部运营的目的,以非独占、免许可费、不可转让的方式使用本产品。但本产品的知识产权仍由德硕保有。
  3. 未经德硕书面同意,您不得公开或向第三方披露本产品的内容,不得超出前述范围,为了任何营利性或非营利性的目的自行实施、利用、转让或许可任何第三方实施、利用、转让上述知识产权。出现前述未经许可之行为时,您应立即停止该行为,并需要赔偿德硕所有的,包括但不限于支出费用、经费或可得利益损失、营业收入损失、机会损失、未能实现的预期可节省费用等损失,同时德硕保留追究相关责任人法律责任之权利。

第九条  其他条款

  1. 德硕有权在必要时修改本协议条款,修改后会公布在德硕的官方网站,您可以前往查阅相关协议条款。该公布行为视为已通知用户修改内容,而无需另行对用户进行个别通知。本协议条款变更后,如果您继续使用本产品,即视为您已接受修改后的协议。如您不同意变更后的协议条款,您应停止使用并删除本产品,您已支付的费用不予退还。
  2. 本协议签订地为中华人民共和国上海市浦东新区。
  3. 本协议的成立、生效、履行、解释及纠纷解决,适用中华人民共和国大陆地区法律(不包括冲突法)。
  4. 若您和德硕之间发生任何纠纷或争议,首先应友好协商解决;协商不成的,您同意将纠纷或争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(CIETAC)上海分会进行仲裁。
  5. 本协议所有条款的标题仅为阅读方便,本身并无实际涵义,不能作为本协议涵义解释的依据。
  6. 本协议可能存在包括中文、英文在内的多种语言的版本,如果存在中文版本与其他语言的版本相冲突之处,以中文版本为准。
  7. 本协议条款无论因何种原因部分无效或不可执行,其余条款仍有效,对双方具有约束力。
  8. 一方当事人未主张要求他方当事人严格执行本协议项下义务,亦不视为该方当事人放弃主张的权利,或放弃将来他方违反本协议的任何条款或条件之时追求其责任的权利。
  9. 如您获悉其他单位或个人认为本产品可能涉嫌侵犯其合法权益的,应及时与德硕联系,德硕将及时进行处理。


User Service Agreement and Privacy Policy

The User Service Agreement and Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) and its terms and conditions are an agreement between you and the provider, ABeam Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ABeam)describing the rights and obligations between you and the ABeam in connection with the purchase of product ABeam develops (hereinafter referred to as the Product).
You must read this agreement carefully and fully understand the terms and conditions before purchasing, and if you have any objections, you may postpone to choose this product and contact ABeam until you fully understand the product and the content of this Agreement before purchasing . Once you confirm the purchase of this product, this agreement will have legal effect between you and ABeam, which means that you fully agree and accept all the terms of the agreement. Please read carefully and choose to accept or not to accept the agreement .


  1. "China" as used in this Agreement, unless otherwise specified, mean Mainland China excluding Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Province.
  2. The term "working day" in this Agreement, unless otherwise specified, refers to calendar days excluding statutory non-business days and statutory holidays in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations.
  3. The term "year", "month" and "day" in this Agreement, unless otherwise specified, mean the natural year, natural month and calendar day.

Article 1 User instruction

  1. Please be sure to contact ABeam before purchasing this product to confirm whether this product is applicable. In view of the reproducible nature of this product, all orders under this Agreement are non-cancelable, rescinded and non-refundable.
  2. If you purchase this product without contacting ABeam, ABeam will not be liable for any loss caused by the unavailability of the product.

Article 2 Use of Users

  1. You should confirm that you have obtained the hardware and software required for the operation of the Product as described in the product description and the corresponding authorization.
  2. After you purchase the product, you become the user of the product you purchased. You should contact ABeam as soon as possible after purchasing the products, and ABeam will send the products to you by email or other means within 3 working days. Upon delivery, the obligations of ABeam under this Agreement will be fulfilled. From the day you receive the product, ABeam will provide you with 3 months free after-sales service.
  3. After receiving the product, you can use the product to perform operations in your system according to the product template and instructions of ABeam. When using the product to import data, you must strictly follow the data format in the product template. If the data format does not meet the requirements of the product, you will be responsible for any loss, etc. ABeam will not assume any responsibility for the resulting loss.
  4. If you have any confusion or doubt during the use of this product, please contact ABeam on time. If you deal with the loss caused by yourself,  ABeam will not be liable.
  5. You shall be responsible for the authenticity, legality and validity of the information transmitted by using the Product, and any legal liability related to the information transmitted by you shall be borne by you, which has nothing to do with ABeam.
  6. You understand and agree that any content recorded in the Product or transmitted through the service of the Product does not reflect the views or policies of ABeam, for which ABeam is not responsible.
  7. You understand and agree that you shall not use the Products and the related services of ABeam to conduct any behavior in violation of laws, regulations and policies, otherwise you shall bear the corresponding responsibilities.

Article 3 Privacy Policy
After purchasing this product, you will use this product to operate in your system. ABeam cannot directly read, store, copy, disseminate any information, data, etc. of users through your use of the product. Therefore, you should do data backup and confidential management by yourself. ABeam will not be liable for any loss caused by data loss or disclosure.

Article 4  Confidentiality obligations

  1. ABeam can not directly obtain your confidential information through your use of the product. If you or ABeam disclose Confidential Information to the other party for the purpose of performing this Agreement, the party receiving the Confidential Information (referred to as the "Receiving Party" in this Article) shall use the Confidential Information only for the purpose of this Agreement. Without the prior written consent of the party disclosing the Confidential Information (referred to as the "Disclosing Party" in this Article),the Confidential Information shall not be disclosed, provided or disclosed to any third party (except for the partners, principals, officers and employees of the receiving Party, their lawyers and certified public accountants who are required to know the Confidential Information) (except for the subcontractors of ABeam and ABeam who are required to comply with the same obligations of confidentiality as provided in this Article). The Receiving Party shall protect the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information with a standard and a degree of care (at least a reasonable degree of care) not less than that used to protect all its Confidential Information.
  2. The disclosing party understands and agrees that disclosure of confidential information shall use written or tangible ways, and at the time of disclosure to the recipient in writing to express this information is confidential information. Confidential information by disclosing party orally or visually disclosed, should inform when disclose confidential information the recipient the information is confidential information, and to confirm in writing within 5 days after the disclosure.
  3. Confidential Information refers to:
    1) The contents and details of the product;
    2) Information or data that is proprietary to the Disclosing Party or is deemed to be proprietary to the Disclosing Party;
    3) Information designated as Confidential Information by the Disclosing Party;
    4) Information obtained by the Receiving Party only due to the provision of the Product; or
    5) Business secrets of the disclosing Party.
  4. Confidential Information does not include:
    1) Becomes public knowledge due to reasons not attributable to the Receiving Party or a third party entrusted to the Receiving Party;
    2) Information obtained by the Receiving Party from a third party whom the Receiving Party reasonably believes to be under no obligation of confidentiality regarding such Information;
    3) Information known to the Receiving Party before receiving the Information from the Disclosing Party;
    4) Information independently developed by the Receiving Party that is not related to the information previously disclosed by the Disclosing Party;
    If the Receiving Party discloses Confidential Information in accordance with a court order or other legal process and within its reasonable scope, it shall not be deemed to be in breach of the obligation of confidentiality, provided that the Receiving Party is obliged to promptly notify the Disclosing Party and make every effort to minimize the scope of disclosure.
  5. ABeam will not make any confirmation on the source of confidential information disclosed by you, its legality, or whether it is authorized by the right holder of the confidential information. All risks and losses arising therefrom shall be borne by you.
  6. The obligation of confidentiality under this clause will be terminated when the after-sales service specified in Article 2 of this agreement expired or this agreement is terminated.

Article 5 Protection of personal information

  1. Personal information is a variety of information recorded by electronic or other means that can identify a specific natural person alone or in combination with other information, including the name, date of birth, ID card number, biometric information, address, telephone number, email, health information, whereabouts information of a natural person, etc.
  2. When providing this service, ABeam will not receive your personal information, and you should carry out and complete the operation in the environment where the personal information is stored. In addition, if you disclose personal information held by you to ABeam at your discretion, you should cover up (blot out) or process such personal information and disclose it to ABeam under the premise that ABeam cannot identify the information of a specific natural person.
  3. ABeam does not confirm the legality of the personal information you disclose or whether it is authorized by the right holder. All risks and losses arising therefrom shall be borne by you.

Article 6 Disclaimer

  1. To maximum extent permitted by applicable law, ABeam shall not be liable for any accident, negligence, breach of contract, libel, infringement of copyright or intellectual property rights and any loss arising from the use or inability to use the Product. Including but not limited to, without or not according to the use’s guidance of ABeam, to recognize the data itself problem or entrust a third party without authorization to use, infringement of third party, telecommunications systems or Internet network failure, computer failure or virus, information damage loss, power outages, force majeure reasons caused by direct or indirect losses, loss of expected benefits and trade interruption, loss of business information such as any losses.
  2. Use of the Product is at your own risk and ABeam bears no liability. ABeam do not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, statutory or otherwise. Including but not limited to any merchantability, fitness or fitness for a particular purpose or purpose, non-infringement, resulting from the use of or integration with the Services, or that the Product is safe to operate without interruption or error. ABeam does not guarantee that this product is fully compatible with all software, hardware and systems, etc., and does not guarantee that this product is error-free. If incompatibilities and errors occur, you can contact ABeam. ABeam will not be liable for any loss caused by incompatibility of this product with your software, hardware and current systems, or errors in this product.
  3. Due to the reproducible nature of this product, you may obtain this product from other sources. For the product from sources other than ABeam, ABeam can not guarantee whether the product is infected with computer viruses, whether the product has hidden trojan programs or hacker programs. Use the product from other sources will be may result in unpredictable risks, therefore, please do not download or use the product from other sources. Otherwise, ABeam do not bear all responsibility.

Article 7 Limitation of Damages

You understand and agree that if you suffer economic losses due to the failure of ABeam or its affiliates to perform its obligations as set forth in this Agreement, ABeam will only compensate you for the direct economic losses based on the sales price of this product. In addition, in any case, ABeam can not bear any special, indirect, incidental, derivatives or punitive damages, costs, expenses or any loss, can get profit loss, loss of revenue, loss of opportunity, failed to meet expectations can save cost of damage or loss of data, whatever their nature is. The provisions of this section shall apply to lawsuits, damages, claims, liabilities, costs, expenses or losses of any nature, whether arising out of contract, statutory law or tort (including but not limited to negligence).

Article 8 Intellectual property rights

  1. Intellectual Property rights of the Product and all information related to the product, including but not limited to: Words and their combinations, ICONS, decorations, images, charts, colors, interface designs, layout frames, related data, additional programs, printed materials or electronic documents are all owned by ABeam and its affiliates and are protected by copyright laws, international copyright treaties and other intellectual property laws and regulations.
  2. Upon your full payment for the product, ABeam permits you to use the Product in a non-exclusive, license-free and non-transferable manner for internal operation purposes. However, the intellectual property rights of this product are still owned by ABeam.
  3. Without the written consent of ABeam, you shall not disclose the contents of this product to the public or to a third party, and shall not go beyond the above scope to implement, use, transfer or license any third party to implement, use, transfer the above intellectual property rights for any profit-making or non-profit purposes. In the event of the aforesaid unauthorized behavior, you shall immediately stop the behavior and need to compensate ABeam for all losses, including but not limited to expenses, loss of funds or available benefits, loss of business income, loss of opportunities, failure to realize expected savings, etc., and ABeam reserves the right to pursue the legal liability of the relevant responsible person.

Article 9 Others

  1. ABeam has the right to modify the terms of this Agreement if necessary, and the revised terms will be published on the official website of ABeam. In website of ABeam you can read the relevant terms of this agreement. Such publication shall be deemed to have notified the user of the modification without the need for individual notification to the user. If you continue to use the Product after the terms of this Agreement are changed, you shall be deemed to have accepted the modified Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of the modified Agreement, you should stop using the product and delete it. The fee you have paid is non-refundable.
  2. This Agreement is signed in Pudong New Area, Shanghai, People's Republic of China.
  3. The formation, entry into force, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the mainland of the People's Republic of China (excluding the conflict law).
  4. In case of any dispute or dispute between you and ABeam, it shall firstly be settled through friendly negotiation; If negotiation fails, you agree to submit the dispute or dispute to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) Shanghai Branch for arbitration.
  5. The headings of all articles in this Agreement are for convenience only and have no actual meaning and shall not be used as the basis for the interpretation of the meaning of this Agreement.
  6. This Agreement may be made in various languages including Chinese and English. In case of any conflict between the Chinese version and other languages, the Chinese version shall prevail.
  7. No matter some of the provisions hereof are invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and binding upon both parties.
  8. The failure of a party to require the other party to strictly enforce its obligations under this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of such party's right to claim or to pursue its liability in the event of a breach of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement.
  9. If you learn that other units or individuals think that this product may infringe their legitimate rights and interests, you should contact ABeam in time, and ABeam will deal with it in time.

ABeam Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
October, 2022


  1. 物流行业SAP分析云解决方案产品(下称“本产品”)总结了中国国内物流行业企业常用的,关于配送和仓库中重要的KPI指标和计算逻辑,并且进行不同的图形化展示。

  2. 本产品仅供中华人民共和国(不含港澳台)区域内物流行业的企业客户使用,且产品以中文描述。

  3. 您必须拥有SAP分析云(简称SAC) 软件的使用授权,才可以使用本产品。

  4. 请您务必在购买本产品前与德硕联系,以确认本产品是否适用。

  5. 收到本产品后,您可以根据产品模板以及德硕的指导,使用本产品在您的系统内进行操作。在使用本产品进行导入时,请您务必严格按照本产品模板中的数据格式上载数据。

  6. 在您购买本产品之前,请您查阅《用户服务协议和隐私政策》并在确认同意其中的所有条款后再行购买。

  1. Logistic Solution for SAP Analytics Cloud Solution product (hereinafter referred to as the "Product") summarizes important KPI indicators and calculation logic commonly used by enterprises in the logistics industry in China about distribution and warehouse, and makes different visualizations.

  2. This product is only used by enterprise in the logistics industry in the People's Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan). The product is described in Chinese.

  3. You must have the license to use SAP Analysis Cloud (SAC) software before you can use this product.

  4. Please be sure to contact ABeam before purchasing this product to confirm whether this product is applicable.

  5. After receiving the product, you can use the product to perform operations in your system according to the product template and instructions of ABeam. When using the product to import data, you must strictly follow the data format in the product template.

  6. Before you purchase the product, please review the User Service Agreement and Privacy Policy and confirm your agreement with all the terms therein before you purchase the product.





